Find out why choosing a local Barrie web design company can do more for your business. Discover three reasons why a local web designer makes sense for your business. This article offers detailed explanations to help you choose a local company to design your website.
Read MoreWe are all familiar with Bell a telecommunications company that’s historically one of the most important companies in Canada and the world. So let's discuss the details of the iconic Bell identity.
Read MoreCanadians are familiar with the Tim Hortons brand because it’s a huge fixture of Canadian life. The Tim Hortons or Timmy’s brand, coffee and donuts have become a Canadian cultural icon. So much that for the most part, we don’t think much about it because it’s such a huge part of our daily lives and culture
Read MoreContests are a fantastic way to generate a bigger fan base and drive traffic to your blog. But if you’ve never run one before, it’s a little more complicated than just giving away a prize to a winner. If you’re organized, your contest can be a huge success, as well as a strategic cost-effective marketing tool that will benefit your business.
Read MoreJust because you’re not fond of deadlines, it doesn’t mean you can ignore them. Embrace them with these tips to make your life calm and peaceful to achieve blogging zen.
Read MoreRelationships bring visitors to your website regularly—everyone wants more traffic. There are many ways to build relationships with your readers and make them stronger. But like we’ve told you time and time again, relationships, like blogs, take time to build. You need to cultivate them continuously, so here are ways to build relationships and bring more people to your blog.
Read MoreWhat kind of a blogger are you? That’s not a trick question—it’s one you need to ask yourself as a blogger. The industry you specialize in may be expansive… so how are you going to stand out? You need to find your blogging niche in order to establish yourself as an expert.
Read MoreBeing productive is the name of the game when it comes to running a business as either a sole proprietor, freelancer, or an owner of a small business corporation. Slow and steady really does actually work because small action steps add up quickly. Read about small steps that boost productivity for small businesses..
Read MoreWe’re not just bloggers—we’re also moms, dads, wives, husbands, business owners, employees… well, you get the point. Super-hero time management skills are needed in our line of business. You need to always be “on” and be productive and this list will help organize your efforts.
Read MoreThis is a question asked all the time, when you might see a number stagnating on Google Analytics. Other times, it’s when you’re taking a look at what competitors are doing. Before we get into it, let’s get one thing clear—there’s no overnight success to better blogging.
Read MoreIt seems like you need a plan for everything, doesn’t it? You have one for your business, so it makes sense that you should also have one for your blog. A plan makes sure that you stay on track, so you hit your target goals and ensures you have direction. These are all things that your blog needs in order to be successful.
Read MoreMost people surf by and don't notice a blog article because the title doesn’t stand out. And even though it’s just one line, it’s the most importance sentence in the whole blog! It’s the one that convinces a reader to stop and read. Doesn’t it make sense to spend some time crafting a thoughtful blog post title that makes a reader stop and say “I need to know more!”
Read MoreDo you want to design your business cards? Are you wondering how to choose the correct paper for the cards? In this article we will discuss what you need to know in order about paper to choose for your business cards.
Read MoreDo you want to design a website and wondering how to layout the information? A great start is by organizing the page content to outline and define the information you want to see on your site in categories. Let's talk more about how to make your website information easy to find to your site visitors.
Read MoreIt’s important to value your clients because without ’em you’ll have no business! There isn’t a guarantee that a client will be forever be a client—and if they leave your client roster list—the time together is what really counts. Here is a list of reasons of the importance in valuing your clients.
Read MoreNothing is more frustrating when you can’t find a file on your computer! You go through folders, do name searchers in the finder with no results. From time to time, we’re all busy and sometimes when we’re in a rush we don’t completely think about how important file organizations is. Here’s a few tips outlining how to properly label and organize your digital files.
Read MoreRebranding can be changing the identity design, marketing strategy, or overall creative direction. The word “rebrand” to business owners can be intimidating because of the expense, before although it's a great opportunity to evolve the business and the business model to increase value to current branding of your company or organization.
Read MoreAh ha! So we got you to click through to this article. And that’s just what good headlines are supposed to do. They tantalize and tease, inviting readers to click through to your full article. Even though it’s just one line, quite a few people find writing a headline to be the hardest part of article writing.
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