Sorry, websites are never really ever completed or finished
Why it doesn’t matter if the website is finished or completed
Create new business opportunities by regularly updating your website
Updated: July 12, 2023
This article will discuss why websites never really ever are completed and how to set expectations to build a website and create regular content for the site.
In the article, how the one-day website session accomplishes so much the different types of websites (e.g. content or e-commerce) for your business’ online presence are discussed. If you would like to know more about getting organized and planning the items required to design and build your website the article on how to get the most from a website meeting or the one-day session breaks it all down.
A lot of people will invest in building the biggest and best website for the business based on their current business understanding and knowledge. Sometimes business owners don’t realize they could have made the process more affordable by making use of a lean startup budget. And sometimes business owners realize they didn’t really need to build some of the website features at all.
The one-day website session strives to help build websites for small business owners that are affordable. If the one-day website session isn’t an option for you, this article presents tips on how to design and build your website independently and what to expect and prepare for after the launch.
Websites are never finished or complete
A Website requires consistent web traffic to generate Business opportunities
Simply put, websites are a continuous work in progress. Therefore, they are never finished or completed.
Sometimes business owners believe they need to complete the most robust website platform to start their business. They might hire a firm to design every possible feature they imagine they will need. Sometimes the need for all of the features can change or evolve as a business owner progresses through the early business stages. This is a reason why starting out building a very robust and specific website functionality can wait or be built to align with growth stages.
If you’re looking to build a website that generates a lot of traffic you will definitely want to integrate a plan to help drive visitors (e.g. website traffic) to the website. Consistently adding new content to the website is a plan to encourage organic search traffic (e.g., prospective clients or customers who Google search using keywords) to visit the website.
Here is a list of reasons why the one-day website is a solution for an affordable business website:
Get the website started
Start the website with an affordable rate with a lot of additional discounts
Gain insight into marketing plans and how to advertise to drive traffic to your website
Extended trial to keep building on the website (without paying any additional fees)
The affordable one-day website session is a great way to start up a business or invest in a business idea. It’s a low-pressure day for a new or existing business owner because Actually will design and build of the major aspects of the website with your direction.
When Actually builds the website the designer also integrates a plan for marketing the business into the copywriting and the design of the website. The marketing plan will support (and align) your financial goals which will need to be reasonable and realistic for a first-time business owner to achieve.
Why Squarespace is Perfect for small business
You are in total control with a Squarespace website. The website domain is registered with you. The software platform fees are billed annually to you. You will be the full owner of the website. But most of all, Squarespace has everything built into the website platform any small business will need. Squarespace says “everything to sell anything” about Squarespace. This is because the interface is easy and intuitive to learn how to use.
If the idea of building a business website is intimidating because you don’t know where to start the one-day website session will help eliminate any trepidation. If the idea of having total control of your website is frightening or the thought of learning how to code is stressful to think about then Squarespace is a perfect website platform to consider.
In Squarespace, you can build a website without coding or programming knowledge (e.g. HTML, CSS or JavaScript). Although if you have a specific code script to add a sales form to the website you can add it to any website page if you want to. There is another article in this series sharing all the details outlining why Squarespace is perfect for small businesses.
As well, helpful planning for your one-day website session document will be shared to help prepare for the session date. The article on how to get the most out of the one-day website session offers all the details of how to plan for a meeting to design your website.
What to expect from the one-day website session
During the morning part of the session, we will collaboratively work to develop the content structure for your business website such as the information architecture (e.g. website navigation) and page hierarchy (e.g. what is seen first on the website pages).
You’ll learn how to:
Create new pages for your website
Add new or update content to current pages like links, images, PDFs, videos, audio files and more
Write SEO titles and descriptions
Connect a Google Analytics account to your website
Learn about analytics and how to understand the type of traffic visiting your website
Learn about marketing software to increase traffic to your website
Discuss a plan to advertise the website online to your business market
The consistency challenge
Websites are a work in progress
The hardest part about creating a website is not the build or design itself. It is maintaining consistency to implement the action items of the plan to market the business in order to attract website visitors to the website.
Any website platform will work for your business. Some platforms are better suited for certain businesses because they offer more custom functionality for your sector or other options to custom design a website. Some platforms are easier to use (e.g. Squarespace) or even more affordable (e.g. self-hosted WordPress) to startup but do not always have all the marketing software features built in to help easily start advertising the business to your marketplace.
It is with regular consistent effort through creating new content to continuously attract new and existing visitors to a business website. This means creating a plan to execute sharing new content online by adding new services or products to the website, posting blog articles or creating a podcast and sharing on social media platforms. Hiring someone to do the work might not be affordable when starting or long-term so the plan may need to be executed by you.
The challenges of consistency are really benefits
When you start a business everything can feel challenging and daunting, maybe even impossible. Actually wants to assure you that this is not usually the case when the business owner puts the marketing and advertising steps into action with consistency.
The challenge can turn out to be a benefit because it allows you the opportunity to startup without investing in a super-expensive website.
Here are some examples of benefits:
Allows a business owner to determine if the business idea is a right fit for them (e.g., full-time or part-time project) or a product or service customers or clients want
Helps to identify the amount of work to operate as a full-time business owner (e.g., if an employee is considering making a career switch to entrepreneurship)
It presents an opportunity to see the amount of effort and consistency required to achieve a material or financial goal
Allows you to determine what marketing software or website features you really need for the business
Allows opportunity to test new ideas for new products or services and receive feedback
Makes the process of building a website seem less daunting because you progress at your own pace
Final thoughts
Mindset is essential
The need to have a finished or complete website isn’t necessary when you start with a website platform that is easy to grow with and has all of the marketing software integrations to help the business succeed at your growth pace. In fact, the consistency required to keep updating your website is great for SEO rankings and allows your website to grow with you in the business and ensures you always have something new to advertise to your marketplace.
One-day website session