What Are Twitter Lists?
Make a list and check it twice and Twitter Lists will do more than tell you who’s been naughty or nice.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash.com
We all make lists to help us get things done. There are grocery list, to-do lists, and even bucket lists. And now, Twitter has jumped on the bandwagon with a list all its own. This list is an awesome way to organize the people you’re following on Twitter or to find new people to follow. If you’re busy (like we all are), Twitter Lists will gather peeps you’re following into groups and give you the skinny on what they are up to.
This is a great way to narrow down the constant noise and get to the info that’s important to you. You can organize Twitter Lists into friends and family, favourite brands and businesses, and interests and hobbies.
Why Use Twitter Lists?
That’s a good question and we’re glad you asked. Here are a few popular reasons why you’ll want to use Twitter Lists:
Create a Group: Organize the people you follow on Twitter (also known as Twitter followers) and follow their streaming tweets. Like we mentioned about, you can organize them any way you want—organize based on relationships to you, location, subjects, interests, business and just about anything you can think of, you can group it.
Recommend Followers: Start up a public list with the tweeps you think are the bee’s knees and that others should get behind. This is a public list of people you think other Twitter users should follow, so people can choose to follow individual tweeps or your entire list.
Follow New: If you start to follow someone else’s list, you’re just following the list, not every user in the list. That means you can see what others on that list are tweeting about on your main stream. So if you want to get deeper into what others are saying, you’ll have to investigate – go into that list’s stream and see what those tweeps are talking about. Is someone saying something you jive with? They’d be a great person to follow, don’t you think? Make a new Twitter list or add them to existing ones. That way, you can see what they are chatting about by checking out your Twitter list.
Have you played around with Twitter Lists yet? Word on the street is Twitter may change it’s ‘Lists’ to ‘Channels’ to help with content marketing exposure. Why are you using them? Give us all your reasons on—Twitter or Instagram.