6 Creative Ways To Overcome Writer’s Block
How do you get out of a sticky case of writer's block? Why, you do it creatively, of course!
Photo by Dan Dimmock on unplash.com
Don't let writer’s block bums you all out. There are ways of making it work to your advantage. Since you are a creative type (just like us), we’ve decided to put together a list of ways that have helped us overcome writer’s block—and they are pretty creative. And you’ll notice that none of them include banging your head on the desk or running around in a panic, yelling “GAH! I’m all out of ideas! The world is ending!”
Go to the gym
Or get physical if you don’t belong to a gym. Go for a walk with the dog, run up and down the stairs, go for a jog or a walk. Anything to get your heart and endorphins pumping. Those endorphins make you happier, stimulate the brain and will get creative ideas flowing. As well, you can use the opportunity of writer’s block to get away from your computer and workspace. It’ll help if you walk away from your blog article post to get a new perspective and will take your mind off the block.
Try a new activity
It can’t be related to writing. Try painting or sketching with a YouTube or Skillshare lunch-and-learn video. Or go to a dance class, or give an online fitness experienced a try with Apple Fitness+ or Pop Sugar Fitness on YouTube. It will totally get your mind in a new place, get you to relax and de-stress and pumped up for your writing zone.
Go for a drink or a coffee with a friend
Bounce some ideas off of your friend and see if she, he, they or them have any insights into what you’re stuck on. They may be able to give you some new ideas or put you on another path altogether. Besides, two brains are better than one!
Have a bubble bath
With zen music and a good book, it really helps and soaks the stress of writer’s block away. But if you’re more of a shower person, go for a massage. The idea is to get yourself in a blissful state because it’s way more likely you’ll come up with a brilliant topic when the stress has melted away.
Rearrange your furniture
Maybe it’s not you and it’s the Feng Shui that’s blocking your creative flow. Maybe a new look for your home will unstick your writer’s block with new perspectives in your home environment. If you like the furniture the way it is, maybe a closet clean-up and reorganization will help.
Cook up a feast
Nom nom nom! Nourish your mind with some new tastes. Get into the kitchen and whip up a new dish or an old favourite with a twist. Or log onto Pinterest and try a new delicious dessert that has your mouth-watering.
These are just a few of the creative ways that help us get over a case of writer’s block. When it happens to you, what do you do? Contact us for a Discovery Meeting.